ada kaitan tak menanam padi dengan pandai dalam matematik?
pelik juga, kan.
tapi Malcolm Gladwell dalam bukunya mengaitkan dua persoalan itu dengan menarik sekali.
buku 'Outliers- the story of success' tu..
masih tak habis lagi saya membacanya.
tetapi teringin berkongsi pengetahuan yang saya dapat dari buku ini.
"We sometimes think of being good at mathematics as an innate ability.
You either have 'it' or you don't. But to Alan Schoenfeld, a math professor at Berkeley,
it's not much ability as attitude. Success is a function of persistence and
doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of
something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds" - page 288
pernah dengar tentang Math Olympics? saban tahun ia diadakan di bandar2 besar terpilih mengumpulkan remaja2 dari seluruh dunia bertanding dalam matematik.
Ulas Malcom...
"We should be able to predict which countries are best at math simply by looking at which national cultures place the highest emphasis on effort and hard work.
The answer shouldn't surprise you:
Singapore, South Korea, China (Taiwan), Hong Kong and Japan.
What those five have in common, of course, is that they are cultures shaped by the tradition of wet-rice agriculture and meaningful work.
They are the kinds of places where, for hundred of years, penniless peasants, slaving away in the rice paddies three thousand hours a year, said to one another like ' No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich' - page 291
Disebabkan budaya tradisi beratus tahun yang berakar dalam diri, menyebabkan remaja Eropah kurang menguasai Matematik berbanding remaja Asia Timur.
"In The Discovery of France , the historian Graham Robb argues that peasant life in a country like France, even well into the 19th century, was essentially brief episode of work followed by long periods of idleness" (musim sejuk)
"If you were a peasant farmer in Southern China, by contrast , you didn't sleep through winter. In the short break marked by the dry season, from Nov through February, you busied yourself with side tasks. You made bamboo baskets or hats and sold them in the market. You repaired the dikes in your rice paddy and you rebuild your mud hut. You made tofu and dried bean curd and caught snakes (they were a delicacy) and trapped insects. By the time the turning of the spring came, you were back in the fields at dawn"
Kerja keras memang dah sebati dalam generasi ini sejak beratus tahun...
Dan kejayaan tidak kira dalam bidang apa, memerlukan kerja keras.
Ciri ini memang sudah diwarisi dan sedia ada dalam kebanyakan generasi tersebut.
Jadi, orang2 Melayu terutama dari kawasan jelapang padi juga pastinya turut memiliki sifat dan tabiat seperti itu.
Pastinya mereka juga bijak Matematik kan.
pelik juga, kan.

tapi Malcolm Gladwell dalam bukunya mengaitkan dua persoalan itu dengan menarik sekali.
buku 'Outliers- the story of success' tu..
masih tak habis lagi saya membacanya.
tetapi teringin berkongsi pengetahuan yang saya dapat dari buku ini.
"We sometimes think of being good at mathematics as an innate ability.
You either have 'it' or you don't. But to Alan Schoenfeld, a math professor at Berkeley,
it's not much ability as attitude. Success is a function of persistence and
doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of
something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds" - page 288
pernah dengar tentang Math Olympics? saban tahun ia diadakan di bandar2 besar terpilih mengumpulkan remaja2 dari seluruh dunia bertanding dalam matematik.
Ulas Malcom...
"We should be able to predict which countries are best at math simply by looking at which national cultures place the highest emphasis on effort and hard work.
The answer shouldn't surprise you:
Singapore, South Korea, China (Taiwan), Hong Kong and Japan.
What those five have in common, of course, is that they are cultures shaped by the tradition of wet-rice agriculture and meaningful work.
They are the kinds of places where, for hundred of years, penniless peasants, slaving away in the rice paddies three thousand hours a year, said to one another like ' No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich' - page 291
Disebabkan budaya tradisi beratus tahun yang berakar dalam diri, menyebabkan remaja Eropah kurang menguasai Matematik berbanding remaja Asia Timur.
"In The Discovery of France , the historian Graham Robb argues that peasant life in a country like France, even well into the 19th century, was essentially brief episode of work followed by long periods of idleness" (musim sejuk)
"If you were a peasant farmer in Southern China, by contrast , you didn't sleep through winter. In the short break marked by the dry season, from Nov through February, you busied yourself with side tasks. You made bamboo baskets or hats and sold them in the market. You repaired the dikes in your rice paddy and you rebuild your mud hut. You made tofu and dried bean curd and caught snakes (they were a delicacy) and trapped insects. By the time the turning of the spring came, you were back in the fields at dawn"
Kerja keras memang dah sebati dalam generasi ini sejak beratus tahun...
Dan kejayaan tidak kira dalam bidang apa, memerlukan kerja keras.
Ciri ini memang sudah diwarisi dan sedia ada dalam kebanyakan generasi tersebut.
Jadi, orang2 Melayu terutama dari kawasan jelapang padi juga pastinya turut memiliki sifat dan tabiat seperti itu.
Pastinya mereka juga bijak Matematik kan.
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