Friday, December 23, 2011

they dissolved his feet in acid

Antara buku yang paling lama saya baca. 

Dan masih tidak berjaya menghabiskan lagi. Hanya melepasi satu pertiga dari keseluruhan buku.

Kerana isinya memenatkan hati. Kejam dan zalim. Atas nama kuasa. Walau telah lama berlalu, tetap, ia memberi kesan. Kisah benar, bukan ilusi atau khayalan.

Manusia, atas nama apa, warna kulit atau kefahaman agama yang bagaimana pun, punya ciri yang sama bilamana kuasa menjadi pertaruhan. Gila kuasa bukan fatamorgana, ia realiti dalam hidup dan sejak zaman berzaman lagi , petanda dan kesannya kita boleh baca dan lihat.

The torture techniques in Baghdad were routine and varied in severity. The electric shocks could be everywhere. But sometimes they would burn people on the genitals and go on burning until they were completely burned off. They did the same with toes. They sometimes beat people with iron on the stomach or the chest . But with me, they were very careful not to leave any sign on me. I saw one man and they had used an iron on his stomach. They used drills and made holes in bones, arms and legs.

I saw an officer, Naqib Hamid, and they dissolved his feet in acid. There was another torture where they would put sulphuric acid in a tub. They would take a man and start by dissolving his hands. Once , the founder of the Dawa party, Abdul Saheb Khail, was totally dissolved. Baraq said to me: 'Have you heard about Khail - there is where we dissolved him.'

In the final stages of torture, they have a table with an electrical saw. They can saw off a hand or a foot. The majority talk. The people who have refused to talk are exceptional.

Adnan Salman, a head of the Dawa, refused to talk. He was brought in - I saw him - and by that time they had a lot of confessions by other men who had been tortured. Adnan Salman was a teacher. Adnan knew - he was prepared. He told them:'My name is Adnan Salman. I an in charge of the Dawa party and none of these people are responsible for our activities. These will be my last words to you. You will never extract a single word from me.'

They brought three doctors and told them that if Adnan died under torture they would be executed. He didn't utter a single word. Sometimes you would hear the doctors, so scared because they could not bring him back from unconciusness. I was in another torture room and could hear everything. I was in Abu Ghraib prison when I heard Adnan had been executed. He had not died under torture. ~ Dr Hussain Shahristani , doctorate in nuclear chemistry to Robert Fisk. page 190.

Kisah di atas adalah kisah kekejaman Saddam Huseein sewaktu era kegemilangannya. Tetapi , dalam dunia ini kita tahu , bukan Saddam Hussein sahaja satu-satunya pemerintah yang menggunakan kekerasan bagi memastikan negara yang aman damai seperti yang terjajah dalam fikirannya itu, ingin direalisasikannya.

Kalau kita ingat kezaliman tentera Jepun di negara kita pun tidak kurang hebatnya. Dan paling terkini ialah kezaliman tentera Amerika di penjara Abu Dhabi yang satu dunia sudah maklum dan tahu.

Kita juga tahu, agama dan iman bukan sesatunya cara mengelakkan tangan pemerintah itu bersih dari kekejaman. Bukan tidak ada ulama' besar dalam dunia Islam sendiri yang telah dipenjara dan disiksa oleh pemerintah yang beragama dan beriman.


Bila mana , seseorang itu punya kuasa untuk bertindak, ada masa, matanya jadi gelap pada keadilan dan kemanusiaan.

Saya pun, .. erk..  jika diberi kuasa, tidak tentu bagaimana ya.

Salam Jumaat semua.

*ah, tinggal lagi 1 Jumaat sebelum sekolah dibuka semula*


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  1. salam..
    rajin membaca ye..
    saya baca paper je
    sempat sekarang nih
    sibuk nak blog lagi
    he he..

  2. zulkbo > tak kisah sebenarnya baca apa pun. Asalkan membaca bahan yang baik dan berfaedah, ya tak?

  3. Salam cikgu, i never taught Middle East countries are worst than western countries, shocking truth.

  4. emi > humans, no matter where they are from, they have that same vicious mind. power is the key :)


terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan teguran membina, moga Allah sentiasa merahmati kita semua.